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The Library and Research Department of the National Assembly of The Gambia certified participants to a weeklong training on Library Management and Research skills on Friday 30th September 2022.

The objective of the training was to strengthen the capacity of librarians and researchers in the routine of supporting Members of the National Assembly in the performance of their legislative and oversight duties.

Mr. Alhagie M Dumbuya, Director of Library and Research said the training was tailored around the duties and responsibilities of library assistants, classification of books, cataloging systems, and referencing from library resources.

Deputy Clerk, Legislative Business and Programme, Mr. Daniel Cardos emphasised the importance of the training in the context that library and research services are highly sought after by both staff and Members of the Assembly.
Mr. Cardos urged participants to apply the new skills on the job and share the knowledge with their colleagues.

The lead trainer Ms. Matilda Johnson, former Director General of The Gambia National Library, and Mr. Alieu Sonko, Principal Librarian at the National Assembly guided the sessions through practical exercises at a pace measured to the need of fifty-eight representatives.

The Library and Research Department offers impartial research services for Members on issues relating to National Assembly business and constituency work. It conducts briefings on topical issues and summaries of Bills being considered to adequately prepare Members both at Committee stages and Plenary sessions.






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